What is an Outstanding Salary?
by Shipra

Q: What is the definition of outstanding salary??
A: Outstanding salaries are salaries that are due and have not yet been paid.
For example, the staff of ABC Corporation have worked for the month of April. It is now the 3rd of May and they still have not been paid, so the salaries are "payable" or "owing" or "outstanding" (all the same thing).
The salaries themselves are an
But when salaries are outstanding, meaning they are owing, we also record a
liability (debt) account called
salaries payable.
"Salaries outstanding" or "salaries owing" or "salaries payable" is known as an
accrued expense and falls under the category of
current liabilities in our records (meaning a short-term debt).
Hope that helps!
Michael Celender
Founder of Accounting Basics for Students
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